Painted Furniture

A practical way to enjoy art. This work was completed during the Covid 19 pandemic when galleries were largely closed. A painted door for an outdoor exhibit opportunity, A refurbished step-stool. The kitchen table.

A Painted Door

  • Gathered Beauty

    This door titled “Gathered Beauty” was commissioned for an outdoor installation exhibit sponsored by the Lexington Arts Council and displayed on the Minuteman Bikeway and near the Visitors Center in Lexington, MA. Work later auctioned to the public to benefit the Lexington Historical Society.

  • Beginning Stages

    The door was prepared and painted with a base layer of acrylic to outline initial forms.

  • Adding Copper Leaf

    The copper leaf was then laid over adhesive and sealed for protection.

  • Layering Color

    The beginnings of blooms and leaves, layered with washes of color to unify. The black pot was then carved with lines.

  • Details Emerge

    The painting becomes more detailed as smaller brushes were used to add shadow and more complex color layerings.

  • Final Work

    The completed door was lacquered for permanent protection.

A Kitchen Table

  • Finished Work

    Completed over the course of two months; this table was primed and then painted with beautiful blooms true to life, each with fine details, requiring between 10 and 18 hours to complete.

  • Magnolia

  • Orchid Detail

  • Hellebore

  • Sedum

  • Nine Flowers

A Step-Stool

  • Completed Step-Stool

    Lacquered for durability.

  • Magnolia and Protea Painting

    Acrylic and copper leaf layered on wooden stool, fully functional.


Copper Abstracts


Art With Action